PR Resolution
Author: Laura Joint
Laura is a Director at CoverageBook. She writes and helps PR teams succeed in the reporting of their hard work.
Recent articles

3 minute read
Why Counting Links in Your Coverage Matters (And Could Increase Your Budgets)
by Laura Joint
PR and SEO are more connected than ever. So we hosted a webinar with Amy Irvine from Digiloft, where she shared her insights on using Digital PR to increase brands’ visibility on Google. The key takeaway? Traditional PR can significantly affect search visibility; you just might not realise it – yet. If you’re curious about […]

3 minute read
Beyond the billions: A realistic approach to measuring PR impact
by Laura Joint
Many of you have laughed at the start of our ad, where Fran tries to explain how their PR campaign reached 12 billion eyeballs (check it out here if you haven’t seen it). Joking aside, have you ever presented a report with an audience in the millions or billions? (I’ll admit that I have). It […]

3 minute read
Don’t Let Good Media coverage go to waste! Get More Mileage Out of Your PR Wins
by Laura Joint
Securing coverage is no small feat and some pieces are harder to come by than others. That’s why I’m a big believer in squeezing every last drop out of each great piece of coverage that goes live. So I was thrilled to be joined by the brilliant Sarah Kissko-Hersh in a recent webinar, where she […]

3 minute read
3 Powerful Ways To Use The CoverageBook Vault For Your Campaign Planning
by Laura Joint
“That is so awesome. I didn’t even know this Coverage Vault feature existed and I’ve been a customer for years!” No exaggeration. That’s the third comment from recent customer training calls where they had no idea there was this in-built coverage tracker feature as part of CoverageBook. They had no clue it existed! But loved […]

6 minute read
Attribution in a PR Context – What All the Confusing Terms Mean
by Laura Joint
Great news; you’re working with the analytics guys or co-reporting with the digital team or learning more about marketing measurement… The bad news; you’re hit with language you’ve never heard or know what it means! We get it. It’s not always appropriate to stop meetings and ask for definitions and let’s face it, even though […]

3 minute read
A super-simple explanation of how your PR is boosting your client’s results on Google
by Laura Joint
Getting your website to appear for a lot of search terms, also known as SEO, can seem very complex – full of algorithms and computer wizardry. While there is a technical element to it, PR plays a bigger role than you may think.

8 minute read
Glossary of social media measurement terms
by Laura Joint
Measurement in PR is hard enough, but you’re doing yourselves an injustice if you don’t also look at your impact on social too. But this opens another door of confusion – there are so many terms and phrases to get your head around – some you need to know, but some are only applicable to […]

5 minute read
Get Inspired With These 5 Examples of Top Brands Using Facebook in PR
by Laura Joint
Facebook is nothing new to the world of PR and with so many brands using it, creating a PR campaign that sticks out against the noise yet resonates with your brand can be a challenge. Good ideas stand the test of time so we’ve gathered together some of our favourite examples of PR on Facebook […]

4 minute read
8 Judges Share Their Secrets This PR Awards Season
by Laura Joint
PR awards offer so many benefits: they are brilliant for publicity, open up new networking opportunities, and of course provide valuable endorsement and recognition. What’s not to like?

5 minute read
A 6 Step Guide in Setting up Sentiment Analysis for Your PR Coverage
by Laura Joint
We’ve all heard the saying “any publicity is good publicity”, but anyone working in PR knows this couldn’t be further from the truth.

4 minute read
A PRs guide to Google’s new follow vs no-follow rules
by Laura Joint
SEO is a complicated demon to get you head around. For PRs, the most important thing to know is that links from the coverage you achieve play an important role in determining where a website ranks in the search engines.

7 minute read
6 inspiring B2B campaigns you’ll wish you came up with yourself
by Laura Joint
Marketing in the Business to Business (B2B) world is a completely different beast to that in the consumer industry. B2Bs are faced with marketing products to their audience’s “work” personas and gain company buy in. This means their targets are often business press and they have to show how knowledgeable and trustworthy they are rather […]

4 minute read
The New Marriage between Paid and PR
by Laura Joint
Within the PR and advertising industries, there’s often talk about the PESO model (paid, earned, shared, and owned media). We group these different forms of media together in a catchy acronym, but they are they working seamlessly? For PR practitioners, paid promotion can sometimes feel like the black arts, and vice versa for those who […]

4 minute read
How to Measure Your Work With Instagram Influencers
by Laura Joint
Seeing an Insta-famous personality share your product with their 100,000 followers can be a huge rush. It’s like seeing your name in flashing lights — but better, because those 100,000 people are going to go out and buy your product. Well, maybe they will. If you choose the right influencer and everything goes to plan. […]

6 minute read
What’s TVs Place in the PR World? We Chat to Producer Danny Bell
by Laura Joint
You could say that the relationship between PR and TV is facing some tension at the moment, what with the move to more on-demand and online content. With the change in how we’re consuming TV and the merging of PR and other content, we’re in a unique space where brands can reach consumers in so […]

1 minute read
How to find the engagement rate of your owned social posts on Facebook
by Laura Joint
Recently Steph Bridgeman from Experienced Media Analysts, talked us through how to find the engagement rate for different social channels. Steph has also made some really useful videos walking through how to export the data you need from Facebook: Once you have the data from Facebook, here is how you then find the engagement rate for these […]

1 minute read
How to find the engagement rate of your owned social posts on Twitter
by Laura Joint
Recently Steph Bridgeman from Experienced Media Analysts, talked us through how to find the engagement rate for different social channels. Steph has also made some really useful videos walking through how to export the data you need from Twitter: Once you have the data from Twitter, here is how you then find the engagement rate for these […]

1 minute read
How to find the engagement rate of your owned social posts on LinkedIn
by Laura Joint
Recently Steph Bridgeman from Experienced Media Analysts, talked us through how to find the engagement rate for different social channels. Steph has also made some really useful videos walking through how to export the data you need from LinkedIn: Once you have the data from LinkedIn, here is how you then find the engagement rate for these […]

5 minute read
How to…calculate and compare owned media engagement rates across multiple social channels
by Laura Joint
Social media measurement programmes can be complex. Perhaps your brand is active on several social channels; maybe you are reporting outputs and outcomes separately, using metrics and exports from those platforms’ native analytics/insights functions. What metrics are comparable? Where should we be cautious when interpreting the data? Steph Bridgeman, from Experienced Media Analysts, has experience of […]

6 minute read
The Rise of Meme Marketing And What It Means For PR
by Laura Joint
Memes are bigger than ever; the return of Love Island, Donald Trump’s visit, and Theresa May stepping down as Prime Minister all triggered a slew of fresh memes circulating on social media. For a recent PR Resolution podcast, we chatted to proclaimed “Meme Kings” Elliott Kurjan and Ricky Williams, the brains behind major meme-heavy Instagram accounts LadBible […]