PR Resolution


Read things, learn things... do things better

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4 minute read

How past PR coverage will make 2018 an award winning year

by Stella Bayles

It’s new year and we want 2018 PR campaigns to be award winners. The best way to do this is by setting KPIs (key performance indicators). However if all we do in this situation is just up the KPI number slightly from the previous year then we shouldn’t expect a great deal to change. If […]

3 minute read

No more inflated numbers. Make 2018 the year your PR measurement got real

by Stella Bayles

“The CEO wants to know who saw that killer piece of coverage on the Mail Online last month” You remember back ‘that piece was great, it was on the homepage! No problem’, you think. But then you realise…..The Mail doesn’t release that kind of data and your PR tool only provides unique users. What do […]

3 minute read

How to crack your first client meeting

by Laura Joint

A great relationship is the key to a successful client/agency relationship so you really want to make a great first impression. This can be a little daunting, so here’s a quick guide to preparing for your first client meeting: Make them succeed If you can make your client look good in their role, you are […]

2 minute read

How to grow your PR budget, in 3 steps

by Stella Bayles

The Public Relations industry has seen huge changes in the last five years. New forms of communication has brought new specialist talent and offerings. I spent six years in traditional PR agencies before moving to digital marketing where I spent a further six years specialising in SEO and working in-house with my clients to integrate […]

1 minute read

New higher limits for CoverageBook Silver & Gold paid plans

by Gary Preston

As of September 2017 we’ve significantly raised the coverage credit quotas on both our Silver & Gold plans (see Which means you’ll be able to capture, measure & report-on more of your hard won PR coverage. And save so much time in the process! What’s changed?Prices of the plans have remained the same. But the […]

3 minute read

PR teams. An email template to ask for Google Analytics access

by Stella Bayles

Nobody would disagree that linking your online PR coverage to the impact on a client’s website is a valuable thing to do. Did anyone visit our site from the link in that coverage? Did anybody that visited…actually do anything. Like download something, give us their email or earn us some money? You can get answers […]

1 minute read

New Feature: Import hyperlinks as online coverage.

by Gary Preston

“I love how simple it is to just paste in URLs in CoverageBook to make a report. But! All the links in my excel sheet are hyperlinks. Not raw URLs that you need?! Help me!” Many of our customers start using by importing links from their excel based PR coverage trackers. They are client […]

1 minute read

New in CoverageBook: Full size image captures as “attachments” for sharing

by Gary Preston

“My client’s mention gets chopped in half! What the f***” “..Screenshots in the online view are a bit blurry and the text is hard to read. What’s the point?” That’s just two of my favourite colourful comments about the sharable online view of our reports. Clearly we had work to do. Behind the scenes we already […]

5 minute read

Inside Innovation: Smoking Gun PR’s innovative approach to PR measurement

by Stella Bayles

How refusing to offer AVE’s led to two global AMEC awards and very happy clients On May 17th, 2017 AMEC announced the winners for their International Communication Effectiveness awards. The award winners are all leading the way in modern PR measurement but when we saw that Smoking Gun PR from Manchester, UK won two awards we had […]

4 minute read

How to Protect and Grow Your PR Budget in a Digital Comms Playground

by Stella Bayles

There have never been so many new-breed agencies offering similar services. PR, influencer outreach, content marketing, link-builders, social and digital marketing set-ups are all winning communications briefs. How can PR agencies compete? With better measurement. Today’s PR landscape is busy and complicated yet full of opportunity. There are multiple lines of communication between brands and […]

2 minute read

Why you should love links…

by Stella Bayles

Did your latest piece of PR coverage include a clickable URL link to your brand or client’s website, just like the example below? It did? You must be jumping for joy! If you’re not, let me tell you why you should be punching the air next time it happens. Click throughs to your brand or […]

1 minute read

Who else is bored with making brand logo wall images?

by Gary Preston

People are always weirdly impressed by brand logos. They love them. It’s why you put them on your website to show off who you work with. PR teams list logos of the publications that have mentioned their clients. Salesy types stick them in presentations to say who they are speaking to. But logo walls are […]

2 minute read

eBook: Public Relations’ Digital Resolution

by Stella Bayles

SEO is talked about a lot in Public Relations. Some say the industry has missed an opportunity, others say it’s the future of PR. Others don’t know what it means and hope it goes away. One thing is for sure. If you communicate on behalf of an organisation with a website it won’t be going […]

2 minute read

Why don’t you use your blog to Answer the Public this year?

by Laura Joint

How do you plan blog content? Did you know that you can use Google Suggest to see what people are searching for? Have you thought about basing your blog content around the most popular questions asked for in Google? We made a pretty nifty tool to help with this, you may have heard of it, […]

1 minute read

New in CoverageBook: Quality of cropped images are way….way better now.

by Gary Preston

So it turns out the “crop” feature is one of the most used areas of the tool.But the quality of the re-sized cropped images was to put it mildly. Pretty shit. So we’ve been working hard to fix this. And the changes are live from today. The results are reminiscent of my long put off […]

Paul Sutton
3 minute read

Tired of the Same Old PR Events? It’s Time For Something New!

by Guest

I’ve been attending public relations seminars and conferences for more years than I care to remember. I’ve done breakfast events for 50 people and all-day conferences for 300. I’ve seen good speakers and poor speakers. I’ve come away from some events thinking “I’ve learned something from this” and I’ve come away from others thinking “what […]

1 minute read

Learn how to use

by Stella Bayles

Learn how to speed up your PR reporting process by building clip reports using In this demonstration video I run through the tool and show you how to: Customise the design of your report Update social metrics Include campaign visuals Highlight key coverage for your stakeholders For frequent CoverageBook users, why not join one […]

3 minute read

This is not how i imagined my glittering career in PR…

by Stella Bayles

Diary of: Stella Bayles: Thursday 29th July 2004 Wow today was tough. I worked so hard to get that coverage. Weeks of event planning, inviting journalists, selling in different story angles, chasing, chasing again. Changing the story angle. Chasing again. Finally, the coverage began to land and after the last minute panic we smashed our […]

4 minute read

Inside Innovation: MVF Global

by Stella Bayles

MVF is a new style of marketing and lead generation organisation. Their unique content platforms generate marketing and sale leads which means they provide growth and a strong ROI to clients. When we noticed their PR team’s wealth of coverage being generated every month we just had to find out more about their approach. This week […]

2 minute read

Supporting charities

by Guest

At the end of last year I took a look at the different people using CoverageBook. Wow — what diversity! Over 1,000 teams from Stanford University to Sonos to a fishing company in Tasmania! And quite a few charities and non-profit organisations. That piqued my interest. So I decided to join the excellent UK-based CharityComms to learn more. I […]