PR Resolution
Author: Stella Bayles
Author of 'PRs Digital Resolution’, host of The Resolution Podcast & director at CoverageBook
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1 minute read
Social media measurement tips from the queen of metrics
by Stella Bayles
Stella interviews Katie Paine (aka queen of metrics) on social media measurement. Having led the charge on social and PR measurement development for almost 30 years Katie has picked up the well-deserved title of ‘queen of metrics’. Katie shares her thoughts on why impressions are a misleading metric in reports and how PR teams can […]
2 minute read
The Domain Authority score will be updated on March 5th, 2019
by Stella Bayles
CoverageBook reports include a metric called Domain Authority. Domain Authority (or DA) is a calculation provided by 3rd party organisation Moz. It’s an indication of the influence of a website in search engines. The score is out of 100 with 100 being the most influential. We include the Moz score within CoverageBook for a number […]

1 minute read
The US news industry and how it affects Public Relations
by Stella Bayles
The shift in news consumption in recent years has seen the publishing world adapt and change hugely. Journalists with new job titles and responsibilities, new team structures and story reach targets have all made it a challenging time for PR teams to navigate publishers. I wanted to hear more so stopped by SWNS Media Group in New […]

1 minute read
The US news industry & how it affects PR
by Stella Bayles
In this episode, I interview SWNS Media Group news editor Jim Rich on his career and experiences in the US news industry. The former New York Daily News Editor-in-Chief was once named one of the most powerful people in New York media by The Hollywood Reporter. He has seen the industry go through huge changes […]

1 minute read
Creating an award-winning PR agency with Steve Strickland
by Stella Bayles
Steve Strickland is the co-founder of the new award-winning PR agency Talker Tailor Trouble Maker. He has led the agency for two years alongside partner and long term colleague, Gary Wheeldon. Before starting Talker Tailor Steve held three creative director roles at agencies; Weber Shandwick, freuds and most recently M&C Saatchi PR. Where he was […]

1 minute read
The PESO model explained (paid, earned, shared, owned)
by Stella Bayles
Gini Dietrich is the founder and CEO of Arment Dietrich communications, editor of one of the most popular US PR sites, Spin Sucks and has been pioneering paid earned social and owned (PESO) strategies in communications for years. Gini sets PESO strategies for businesses as well as trains PR pros on how to build plans, […]
2 minute read
How to move away from big (useless) numbers in PR reporting
by Stella Bayles
I believe site-wide traffic numbers are fast becoming the taboo metric in PR, here’s why…. Originally taken from my talk at PRWeek DECODED. Chicago, October 18, 2018 Site-wide traffic figures such as monthly uniques, visits, impressions etc. doesn’t say anything about your coverage because… You didn’t get coverage on every page of the site so […]

1 minute read
How Diageo measures marketing activity
by Stella Bayles
Stella Bayles interviews James Alexander, the head of influence and advocacy at global drinks business Diageo. Stella and James discuss the multi-channel marketing campaigns Diageo run and why measurement of the activity is so key to the business. Stella finds out how Diageo marketing teams and agencies use a version of the PESO (paid, earned, […]

1 minute read
PR Measurement with AMEC
by Stella Bayles
Stella interviews Nicole Moreo, who is North American chair of AMEC and one of Ketchum’s global research and analytics leaders on PR measurement. Stella finds out how PR teams can gauge how well they’re analysing their communications activity and compare it with others in the industry through a new free tool from AMEC. Nicole also […]

1 minute read
Inbound PR
by Stella Bayles
Podcast host, Stella Bayles interviews HubSpot’s Global Partner Program Manager, Iliyana Stareva on new Public Relation’s approach ‘Inbound’. Coming from a traditional PR background and now working in software whilst consulting agencies, Iliyana is an expert in the techniques of Inbound PR. She believes this is more powerful for brands than traditional proactive media relations […]

1 minute read
AI in PR
by Stella Bayles
This episode of the PR Resolution podcast covers the whole spectrum of artificial intelligence and how it’s affecting Public Relations now and in the future. Stella interviews technology expert Adam Hirsch on the topic. Together they cover how PR teams should be talking to clients and stakeholders about AI, the difference between automation, technology and […]

1 minute read
Who is Stella & why listen to the PR Resolution podcast?
by Stella Bayles
In episode zero, the first in the series of the PR Resolution podcast, host Stella Bayles explains her background and why she believes the industry needs a straight-talking, plain language knowledge source right now. The PR Resolution podcast will cover hot topics in Public Relations. Stella, promises to dispels the myths and with the help […]
2 minute read
New eBook: Audience Insight in the age of Google
by Stella Bayles
Selling an idea, building out a search campaign, planning content or just getting to know your customers, audience research is essential in marketing. Insight tools such as our own ‘Answer The Public’ have helped hugely in this area. With 138,000 monthly users across 200 countries the tool is helping marketers all over the world with […]
2 minute read
How to use the Moz tool to check your advertorials are Google safe
by Stella Bayles
Advertorials have always been a part of our communications plans and with the rise of bloggers and social influencers asking for payment for collaboration, new forms of advertorials are set to continue to be a part of our public relations plans. As well as ensuring we abide by the rules of the ASA with paid […]
2 minute read
The webinar series that will super-charge your PR team, all in one place
by Stella Bayles
We all need to learn more but scheduling an hour out of a busy day for a webinar is a challenge. Especially when you’re mid-campaign. I personally like my webinars to be on-demand, I know some of you do too so here it is; all of my PR webinars past, present and scheduled in one […]
5 minute read
Dirty Data?…!
by Stella Bayles
She said that’s ok. I don’t need your insight. Ok baby do what you please.I have the metrics that you wantI am the thing that you need The client looked me deep in the eyesThey say there’s no turning backHow can you plan your next thingThey said they’re not coming backBecause he’s distrusting of me… […]
11 minute read
55 tips, tools and articles that will super-charge your Public Relations knowledge in 2018
by Stella Bayles
1. Tip of the month: “Take someone in finance to lunch and learn how you make money” This is just one of the amazing tips from the Queen of metrics Katie Paine in this interview on PR News. We are big fans of Katie here at CoverageBook. She always explains clearly how to demonstrate organisational […]
4 minute read
How past PR coverage will make 2018 an award winning year
by Stella Bayles
It’s new year and we want 2018 PR campaigns to be award winners. The best way to do this is by setting KPIs (key performance indicators). However if all we do in this situation is just up the KPI number slightly from the previous year then we shouldn’t expect a great deal to change. If […]
3 minute read
No more inflated numbers. Make 2018 the year your PR measurement got real
by Stella Bayles
“The CEO wants to know who saw that killer piece of coverage on the Mail Online last month” You remember back ‘that piece was great, it was on the homepage! No problem’, you think. But then you realise…..The Mail doesn’t release that kind of data and your PR tool only provides unique users. What do […]
2 minute read
How to grow your PR budget, in 3 steps
by Stella Bayles
The Public Relations industry has seen huge changes in the last five years. New forms of communication has brought new specialist talent and offerings. I spent six years in traditional PR agencies before moving to digital marketing where I spent a further six years specialising in SEO and working in-house with my clients to integrate […]