PR Resolution


Read things, learn things... do things better

Page 6

Paul Sutton
3 minute read

Tired of the Same Old PR Events? It’s Time For Something New!

by Guest

I’ve been attending public relations seminars and conferences for more years than I care to remember. I’ve done breakfast events for 50 people and all-day conferences for 300. I’ve seen good speakers and poor speakers. I’ve come away from some events thinking “I’ve learned something from this” and I’ve come away from others thinking “what […]

1 minute read

Learn how to use

by Stella Bayles

Learn how to speed up your PR reporting process by building clip reports using In this demonstration video I run through the tool and show you how to: Customise the design of your report Update social metrics Include campaign visuals Highlight key coverage for your stakeholders For frequent CoverageBook users, why not join one […]

3 minute read

This is not how i imagined my glittering career in PR…

by Stella Bayles

Diary of: Stella Bayles: Thursday 29th July 2004 Wow today was tough. I worked so hard to get that coverage. Weeks of event planning, inviting journalists, selling in different story angles, chasing, chasing again. Changing the story angle. Chasing again. Finally, the coverage began to land and after the last minute panic we smashed our […]

4 minute read

Inside Innovation: MVF Global

by Stella Bayles

MVF is a new style of marketing and lead generation organisation. Their unique content platforms generate marketing and sale leads which means they provide growth and a strong ROI to clients. When we noticed their PR team’s wealth of coverage being generated every month we just had to find out more about their approach. This week […]

2 minute read

Supporting charities

by Guest

At the end of last year I took a look at the different people using CoverageBook. Wow — what diversity! Over 1,000 teams from Stanford University to Sonos to a fishing company in Tasmania! And quite a few charities and non-profit organisations. That piqued my interest. So I decided to join the excellent UK-based CharityComms to learn more. I […]

9 minute read

What’s new in the tool…

by Gary Preston

June 2019: User admin. Remove users from your account.You can now manage and remove users from your paid plan from within your account. Bug fix. You can remove a custom metric you add to a clipThere was no way to do this before. Now you can edit & remove a custom metric label from a […]

1 minute read

New Feature: Broken automated screenshot? Swap it for another one. Magic.

by Gary Preston

Watching your hard-won coverage screenshots come in minutes is a joy to behold. Especially when you used to do this manually for every….single….one. But we don’t always get it right. Some screenshots are greyed out. Some are black. Some have pop-ups. Annoying. This is meant to be magic. So we’re hoping this latest release will turn […]

2 minute read

Fact check!

by Stella Bayles

Google, news and PR have gone hand in hand for years but as we approach the US presidential election finale and await Brexit news in the UK, we’re searching for news more than ever. So what does this have to do with Public Relations? Quite a lot actually. Here are five features that tell you […]

2 minute read

6 ways CoverageBook’s new ‘INSIGHTS’ will make your life better

by Stella Bayles

‘Search and refine’. Two new features that you could mistake for being rather average updates to an app right? WRONG. Searching and refining your coverage doesn’t just allow you to review and report better, it improves PR performance. Here’s six examples how; 1. Your head of marketing has an update with the CEO and needs the […]

2 minute read

Metrics can transform PR teams

by Stella Bayles

For years, PR pros have detailed the ‘unique users’ or ‘impressions’ of sites as key performance metrics in reports. However if we’re more curious about those metrics we would wonder what it actually tells us about our coverage…. I don’t believe either impressions or the unique user metric are very helpful to PR development. Here’s […]

2 minute read

Metrics can transform PR teams: Domain Authority

by Stella Bayles

Domain Authority. You may have seen this metric in your reports or heard us mention in our communication to you. Did you think.. Domain who?! I’m not talking rubbish. Domain Authority (DA) is a real metric and many PR professionals are beginning to track their PR coverage DAs to measure and learn. So what is […]

3 minute read

Do you have enough time to improve your skills?

by Stella Bayles

Even if you have been in communications for years, with numerous qualifications and campaigns under your belt, the ever-changing digital landscape can still make us feel overwhelmed with ‘things to learn’. We also know how important it is to improve skills to stay ahead. We find ourselves searching for conferences often only to get there […]

1 minute read

Interviews with world’s most innovative PR teams

by Stella Bayles

There are PR teams and agencies across the world doing some amazing work right now and we are in a privileged position to hear about it. From agile work flows to new creative processes, teams are trying new ways to develop communications plans and they’re working. Sharing knowledge and case studies is the best way […]

6 minute read

Inside Innovation: MSLGROUP NYC

by Stella Bayles

“Technology will continue to change PR as we know it” Our quest to seek out the world’s most innovative communications teams led us to New York in May where I met the inspiring Jeff Melton. Jeff is the senior vice president for global technology & platforms at MSLGROUP. Jeff is based in the New York […]

4 minute read

Metrics we measure

by Laura Joint

We are on a mission to help the PR industry be recognised for their work. This means moving away from the overinflated and almost meaningless metrics such as AVE and OTS carry, and curating free tools such as which allow you to see how much traffic and sales your coverage has directly generated. When we created […]

3 minute read

Save 23 hours with 5 PR tools

by Laura Joint

Automation is a big topic in Public Relations right now. Not everything should be automated in PR. One the best qualities of a PR professional is creativity and the ability to communicate with others. Neither can be automated. However, there are a variety of tools available to help automate some processes within PR that free […]

5 minute read

Inside Innovation: Ogilvy Los Angeles

by Stella Bayles

We’re on a mission to meet talented PR teams around the world to find out how they do things differently. On a recent trip to the United States I went to meet the consumer PR team at Ogilvy in Los Angeles. I interviewed Vice President, Ashley Dos Santos to find out how their creative process […]

2 minute read

How to secure bigger budgets using your coverage report

by Laura Joint

So the hard work is done. You’ve pulled off the campaign and the coverage has rolled in. You want to do a similar campaign. But next time bigger and better. To get the extra budget signed off you need to showcase the campaign. You’ll need to get your boss, your bosses’ boss and your bosses’ […]

2 minute read

So what? 10 tips for coverage commentary

by Laura Joint

Automation in PR is currently a big topic. We are all for automating anything and everything that makes your life easier. It’s what Coveragebook is based on; automating the tasks that are mundane and you don’t need a brain for. However, we are under no illusion that everything can and should be automated. Relationships cannot […]

3 minute read

Inside Innovation : Manifest LDN & NYC

by Stella Bayles

We’ve been following Manifest’s PR campaigns for a while and have been impressed with their creativity and bold approach. But, it wasn’t until we had the pleasure of meeting some of the team at an event recently that realised there was something special about the agency… The Manifest team’s spirit and attitude to delivering great work is […]