PR Resolution
Author: Rebecca Fitzgerald
Marketing Executive at CoverageBook
Recent articles

4 minute read
PR Resolution Meets: Emma Lamberton from Coram
by Rebecca Fitzgerald
In this spotlight interview, we chat with Emma Lamberton – Senior Communications Manager at Coram, the first children’s charity, who shares some of the strategies and tactics that underpin their communications work. She provides valuable insights into how the charity has built its reputation as a trusted spokesperson for childcare-related issues through media commentary. Additionally, […]

9 minute read
Web Analytics and Traffic Terms for PRs and Marketers – A Simple Guide
by Rebecca Fitzgerald
Getting to grips with the weird and wonderful world of analytics terminology can be a real headache for even the most experienced PR person or marketer. Ever mixed up terms like users, visitors, visits, and views? It happens to the best of us. While these terms may sound alike, they all hold distinct meanings. So […]

4 minute read
PR Resolution Meets: Mark Taylor from The Ivors Academy
by Rebecca Fitzgerald
In our next installment of ‘PR Resolution Meets’, we speak with Mark Taylor, Director of Membership, Marketing, and Communications at The Ivors Academy. Mark emphasizes the importance of solid data and reporting in their day-to-day operations supporting their diverse community of songwriters and composers to grow their careers and achieve recognition. Understanding the context behind […]

2 minute read
PR Resolution Meets: Ian McAllister from The Alnwick Garden
by Rebecca Fitzgerald
In this spotlight interview, we chat with Ian McAllister, Strategic Head of Marketing and Communications at The Alnwick Garden in Northumberland, England who shares insight into their proudest creative media campaigns. These include the launch of Lilidorei, the world’s largest play structure, which garnered extensive media coverage in outlets including the BBC and ITV, and […]

8 minute read
The best free and paid media monitoring tools for PR coverage in 2024
by Rebecca Fitzgerald
In a world where media rules and trends change faster than you can say “viral”, having access to the best media monitoring tools can be a secret weapon in staying ahead of your competitors. Monitoring tools not only identify valuable media mentions but can also be leveraged to provide insights into industry news, identify and […]