3 minute read

Save 23 hours with 5 PR tools

by Laura Joint

Automation is a big topic in Public Relations right now. Not everything should be automated in PR. One the best qualities of a PR professional is creativity and the ability to communicate with others. Neither can be automated. However, there are a variety of tools available to help automate some processes within PR that free […]

2 minute read

How to secure bigger budgets using your coverage report

by Laura Joint

So the hard work is done. You’ve pulled off the campaign and the coverage has rolled in. You want to do a similar campaign. But next time bigger and better. To get the extra budget signed off you need to showcase the campaign. You’ll need to get your boss, your bosses’ boss and your bosses’ […]

2 minute read

So what? 10 tips for coverage commentary

by Laura Joint

Automation in PR is currently a big topic. We are all for automating anything and everything that makes your life easier. It’s what Coveragebook is based on; automating the tasks that are mundane and you don’t need a brain for. However, we are under no illusion that everything can and should be automated. Relationships cannot […]

3 minute read

Execs and juniors — Treat ’em mean keep ’em keen?

by Laura Joint

Do you value your account execs and juniors the amount you should? If you are in a senior position and you don’t believe you’re at one of the best agencies, you’re in the wrong place. Therefore, the execs you are training, you should also believe are training with the best knowledge. You are embedding them […]

3 minute read

How to supercharge knowledge sharing in PR agencies

by Laura Joint

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link… But with PR’s finding it hard to share, how do you make sure knowledge is spread among your team and there are no weak links? The easiest way to help your team start sharing is to first look at why it can be hard to […]

3 minute read

How John Lewis got #ManOnTheMoon so right

by Laura Joint

Branded as one of the most successful adverts of this Christmas season, the Johns Lewis ad has made people up and down the country well up. Even if you don’t watch TV, you couldn’t have missed it, it’s everywhere; every newspaper and magazine seems to have written about the advert. From the nationals to Country Living […]